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Monday, February 9, 2015

Kios Suara Hati

Kios Suara Hati Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Beberapa waktu yang lalu pernah muncul sebuah kisah menarik yang ditayangkan dalam berita televisi di Taiwan. Di pegunungan Alishan ada sebuah tempat yang bernama Rueili. Seutas jalan yang menghubungkan Chiay dan Alishan melewati daerah ini.

Di pinggir jalan ada sebuah tempat penjualan sayur-sayuran segar, sayuran yang tumbuh dan mendapat pupuk organik alamiah tanpa bahan-bahan kimia yang dewasa ini disinyalir oleh dunia medis sebagai unsur yang bisa mendatangkan kanker. Di samping sayur mayur, ada juga buah-buahan segar dijajar dalam kiosk kecil itu.

Namun anehnya. Kiosk itu terbuka selama 24 jam sehari dan tak pernah ditutup. Lebih aneh lagi, tak ada seorangpun yang duduk di sana melayani para pembeli. Daftar harga per kilogram dari masing-masing barang tertulis jelas. Sebuah alat timbang terletak di atas meja. Sebuah tong yang dibuat dari kayu ditinggalkan di salah satu sudut. Dalam tong kayu ini terdapat lembaran uang kertas serta uang logam yang dimasukan oleh para pembeli.

Di luar kiosk tersebut tertulis dalam huruf Cina; ?Kiosk Suara Hati.?

Seorang ibu tua, penduduk asli di daerah pegunungan Alisan, ketika ditany
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Monday, February 2, 2015

Takdir Sukri

Takdir Sukri Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Hilir mudik, mondar-mandir, semua bergerak berusaha mengejar roda putaran waktu yang bergulir dengan sangat cepat, pepatah bahwa waktu adalah uang, waktu adalah seperti pisau yang memiliki 2 mata yang tajam dan tumpul, waktu adalah senjata yang harus pintar-pintar di gunakan dsb-dsb, rupanya benar-benar mereka hayati dengan sangat baik, memang siapapun yang tidak mampu mengimbangi cepatnya putaran sang waktu akan tertinggal, tergilas, amblas lenyap di telan masa dan zaman. Tapi apakah sebenarnya hakikat dari semua ini, mengejar sang waktu, mengimbangi sang waktu, menguasai waktu, memanfaatkan waktu, dsb-dsb, untuk apa?.
“Sekian dulu pak, interview kita hari ini, untuk hasilnya bapak akan kami hubungi lagi seminggu kemudian”, kalimat itu masih terngiang di telinga Sukri, sambil duduk di tembok pembatas taman di pinggir trotoar, dia masih termenung, termangu, terpaku dsb-dsb, dia ingat dengan pasti kalimat yang barusan keluar dari mulut sang Hrd perusahaan tadi, itu adalah yang ke 10 atau mungkin malah lebih dia mendengar kalimat itu, tapi anehnya setelah seminggu menunggu, tak ada satupun dari perusahaan yang dia lamar menghubunginya lagi, tidak jelas maksud kalimat itu, apakah dia memang tidak di butuhkan, kenapa harus memberi harapan, apakah itu model baru dari pengusiran secara halus atau kode etik dari para Hrd untuk menolak para pelamar yg tidak memenuhi syarat secara halus.

Sekilas pandangan
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Prasangka Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dikisahkan, seorang janda miskin hidup berdua dengan putri kecilnya yang masih berusia sembilan tahun. Kemiskinan memaksanya untuk membuat sendiri kue-kue dan menjajakannya di pasar demi kelangsungan hidup mereka. Hidup penuh kekurangan membuat si kecil tidak pernah bermanja-manja kepada ibunya seperti anak-anak kecil lainnya.

Suatu hari di musim dingin, saat selesai membuat kue, si ibu tersadar melihat keranjang penjaja kuenya sudah rusak berat. Dia pun keluar rumah untuk membeli keranjang baru dan berpesan kepada putrinya agar menunggu saja di rumah. Pulang dari membeli keranjang, si ibu menemukan pintu rumah tidak terkunci dan putrinya tidak ada di rumah. Spontan amarahnya memuncak. Putri betul-betul tidak tahu diri! Cuaca dingin seperti ini, disuruh diam di rumah sebentar saja malahan pergi bermain dengan teman-temannya!

Setelah selesai menyusun kue di keranjang, si ibu segera pergi untuk menjajakan kuenya. Dinginnya salju yang memenuhi jalanan tidak menyurutkan tekadnya demi kehidupan mereka. Dan sebagai hukuman untuk si putri, pintu rumah di kuncinya dari luar. “Kali ini Putri harus diberi pelajaran karena telah melanggar pesan,” geram si ibu dalam hati.

Sepulang dari menjajakan kue, mata si ibu mendadak nanar saat menemukan gadis kecilnya tergeletak di depan pintu. Dengan berteriak histeris segera dipeluknya tubuh putrinya yang telah kaku karena kedinginan. Dengan susah payah dipindahkannyalah tubuh putri ke dalam rumah.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Kesederhanaan Sebuah Cita-Cita

Kesederhanaan Sebuah Cita-Cita Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sore yang indah, ditemani oleh bunyi ombak dan semilir angin yang kian beriringan dengan suara daun kelapa yang tak mau berhenti untuk melambai. Suasana tenang disini setidaknya dapat mengurangi rasa penatku. Kudengar decitan kursi roda yang makin lama kian mendakatiku. Kulihat sosok yang memang akhir-akhir ini sering bersamaku di tempat ini. Aku sangat bingung jika melihat ekspresi wajahnya terkadang dia terlihat sangat tenang dan terkadang dia terlihat datar.

“Apa hari ini kau baik-baik saja?” tanyaku padanya karena memang dia adalah sosok yang sangat sulit ditebak, bukannya jawaban yang kudapat tapi hanya senyum kecil yang mengembang di bibirnya. Aku semakin bingung dengan semua tingkahnya, sangat aneh bagiku karena memang dia sosok yang pendiam tak banyak kata yang dia lontarkan untukku.

“Disini sangat tenang, aku menyukainya” ucapku menceracau sendiri, inilah kebiasaanku setiap bertemu dengannya meskipun tak ada satupun respon darinya tapi aku tahu bahwa dia mendengarkanku dan mengerti apa yang ku mau.

“Hari ini sama seperti hari-hariku sebelumnya, tak ada yang istimewa ataupun terkesan semuanya sama dan kau tau bukan hariku selalu berakhir disini bersama senja, berakhir dengan gambar-ga
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cellular phone wallpapers, give your phone personality

By: D.Rhadika

In the modern society we live in, cellular phone is already a necessity; no longer valid is the notion that this is merely a luxurious toy. For minors, however, cellular phone usage is very popular as a dress up gadget. Although, the parents think of it is a necessary communication for them to be able to check their children wherever there are. Although they never foresee this boom some years back, manufacturers are quick to flood the marketplace with functional and high-tech cellular phones. Various beneficial features of cellular phones are not available in a landline telephone; this is what can make cellular phones outpace landline telephony. For those who want to dress up their cellular phones, you may also find cellular phone useful. Manufacturers and computer experts introduce the possibility of giving your phone personality by introducing cellular phone wallpapers.

If you want cellular phone wallpapers, getting one from the internet is very easy. You may also transfer images as cellular phone wallpaper from Cellular phone to another cellular phone. Even the pictures shot from your own cellular phone can be your cellular phone wallpaper. Additionally, this modern technology also allows a picture taken from a digital camera to function as your cellular wallpaper you may just need to upload the image to your phone. You may even add texts to the pictures to add distinctness to your cellular phone wallpaper. Cellular phone wallpapers are merely to add beauty and personality to your cellular phone. However, if your cellular phone does not support uploading cellular phone wallpapers, do not despair, this does not mean you will not get the benefits of owning a cellular phone. Additionally, cellular phones even without cellular phone wallpapers may have its own personality; personalized ring tones may do the job of giving your phone personality as well. Having no cellular phone wallpaper does not say you have an inferior cellular phone. Anyway, the basic features of cellular phone like sending and receiving calls do not require personality or cellular phone wallpapers. Even sending and receiving text messages do not require cellular phone wallpapers. Functionality does not necessitate cellular phone wallpapers; their use is only to dress up your phone and for the purpose of flaunting your cellular phones high technology features, nothing more.

Finally, keep in mind that intelligent cellular phone usage include keeping in mind cellular phone etiquette. Cellular phone etiquette do not just give your cellular phone personality, cellular phone etiquette exhibits your personality, the users personality is more important that your phone having personality. Even if your phone do not include such high technology and innovative features, if you can turn off your phone during meetings and avoid having to annoy the other person in front of you, you are exhibiting a personally that is intrinsic in you.

If you exhibit cellular phone etiquette, even without cellular phone wallpapers, you will get all the benefits of this modern day gadget. You may even get the respect from other users, if you respect them they will not use their phone unethically that may annoy you. It is a two-way traffic, if you exhibit telephone etiquette, the people around you will do the same. Moreover, you do not need cellular phone wallpapers to gain respect from exhibiting telephone etiquette.

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Entertain yourself with cellular phone ring tones

By: D.Rhadika

To sustain the profitable state of your business in this fastpaced cellular phone industry, creating useful and functional cellular phone may be necessary. Various accessories for your cellular phone may also add to your chances of being ahead of the competition. The competition does not stop from designing functional cellular phones and accessories, they also create the need for ring tones and wallpapers. Cellular phone ring tones and cellular phone wallpapers add to the growing number of dress up paraphernalia for your cellular phone. Ring tones and wallpapers give personality to your cellular phone, thus you can flaunt his high-tech gadget to the world.

Because of the entertaining effect and beauty of cellular phone ring tones and cellular phone wallpapers, computer experts and cellular phone manufacturers are quick to design software and gadgets that will help in the easy installation of ring tones and wallpapers. This gave birth to a ring tone converter. The cellular phone ring tone converter will help to transfer ring tones from one cellular phone to another. This ring tone converters also help in downloading ring tones from computers and internet sites. These are also cellular phones, which supports manual input of cellular phone ring tones. Ring tones transfer via SMS is also possible. A cellular phone ring tone converter may also function when transferring a ring tone from other cellular phone brands. Although there are cellular phone models that does not support ring tone converters, it is however possible that the cellular phone has a built in cellular phone ring tone which will help create a dignified personality for your cellular phone.

Availability of ring tone converters, which does not require cables and infrared connections, proves to be easy to use if you need to download cellular phone ring tones. If you are serious in personalizing your cellular phone ring tone, you may try to find a cellular phone with fully functional ring tone composer. Then you may now create and edit cellular phone ring tones when you have this composer in your cellular phone. Editing ring tones and converting your favorite song into a cellular phone ring tone is easy with the modern ring tone converter. The ring tone composer of your cellular phone may also do this job as well as your converter.

Additionally there are available websites where you can acquire cellular phone ring tones. There are those websites that use SMS format from where you can download ring tones using a converter, but there are those that merely require the downloading capacity of your phone and nothing more. You will now have a cellular phone ring tones that may provide the personality you want.

Knowing that there are cellular phone ring tone converter and built-in composers, it may further enhance your cellular phone ring tone if you know the software that is best used with your converter. This information will now help you create that personality you want for your high-tech gadget.

Having all these information, you may go to various internet sites and look for the best monophonic or polyphonic ring tone, which you may feel is a suited ring tone for your cellular phone. Having a cellular phone ring tone and cellular phone wallpaper is good; however, you may first check your phone before you even think of ring tones, because editing and downloading ring tones may require a support from your own cellular phone model. Do not despair however if your phone do not support editing and downloading cellular phone ring tones because manufacturers have built-in ring tones, although it may not be the music you want but just the same you have the ring tone.

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Cell phone plans, choose the best deal.

By: D.Rhadika

Cell phone has evolved to be one of the most important part of life. Most businesses require their officers to have a cell phone. Even individuals need cell phones in going about their daily lives. This is why acquiring this important gadget require intelligence to avoid inappropriate expense. Finding the most reasonable cell phone plan is one requirement in choosing cell phones intelligently. Because of the very large number of network services in this country, it may help you to research and assess their offers before deciding on a cell phone plan.

Before you decide to buy a cell phone, you may want to decide first whether you want a prepaid cell phone service or a traditional cell phone plan. If you decide on a prepaid cell phone service, then no problem, no credit check, you just need to pay outright and immediately you have your phone. Some cell phone companies even offer free cellular phone unit when you acquire a prepaid cell phone service from them. However, when you want a cell phone plan, you may need to choose from a by minute charging or by the second charging. Both charging process have positive and negative points. You need to assess your usage frequency and requirements before you decide on a cell phone plan. You may research on the performance like if they have enough towers to reach you wherever you are. There are different cell phone plans for family and national use. There are also cell phone plans for regional use. All of these have their own benefits although there are also their disadvantages. For prepaid cell phone plans, there are cell phone units that may not have the capability for this connection.

Other cell phone plans like family plans, this is advantageous for family use and small businesses. There is free access for emergencies. In addition, for family plans, it is cheaper to call the other cell phones included in one billing. There are also discounts for the airtime usage of family members using this cell phone plan. For national plans, this cell phone plan includes free long-distance charges. There are no roaming charges for this cell phone plan and it is another advantage. For regional use, this cell phone plan may require you to pay long-distance charges but the airtime rates may be cheaper.

Cell phone plans may be beneficial is you can acquire the once that have the benefits you need. The manner of usage is an essential requirement, if you do not need it as much and just for emergencies, prepaid cell phone plan could suit you well than traditional plans where you need to sign a contract with the service provider.

Prepaid cell phone plans are often preferred; however, for travelers the traditional plan with no roaming charges and no long-distance charges might be best.

All of this notwithstanding, in order to make full and effective use of your cell phone, you may want to set some guidelines in your usage. If you want your cell phone for your business, you may need to make sure you turn it off when you need privacy. Being available every time may not do well for you. Reserve sometime for yourself and never allow people to disturb you during this time. If your business partners know they could reach you even late at night and on weekends, they will be annoyed if you suddenly change this behavior. Having a cell phone and being available all the time may not be healthy, thus, you have to be wary not to allow people disturb you when you need to be alone with or without your cell phone.

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